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What are we doing? Helping local businesses earn some dollar, dollar bills without any of the time / tech barriers that would normally be in their way. Why? Sole traders and independent businesses, even seemingly buoyant ones, often are one or two jobs / contracts away from stability. This current situation has plunged us all into uncertainty. It’s time to get creative. The motto of this shop was “Live Creatively. Live Kindly.” Now it seems more appropriate than ever.
What’s the deal? All of these items are cost price + £8. £3 covers shipping and £5 will go to the business themselves. If MakeJam has created the product for them, we’ll take £1. Are we profiteering? Hell no, just trying to keep our heads above water.
These gift vouchers are perfect for Mother’s Day, and not only will Mum love ’em, you’d be supporting these independent businesses at a time they need it the most.
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There is something that unites us Brits like nothing else – our distinct humour… and love of hot beverages. Tick both those present boxes with MakeJam.
On ALL items in the shop in the UK FOREVER.
Because who likes paying for shipping?